"Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless,
your time is gold and your health is wealth."
Nothing is more important than your health. Unfortunately, healthcare expenses can potentially do more damage to your retirement savings than most bear markets. It is essential to prevent large out of pocket health care expenses, and so we believe you should have an advisor who has experience with Medicare.
Since 1999, Kevin has been helping Medicare recipients make the most out of their hard-earned Medicare benefits. He is an independent agent who simply explains plan options and provides non-biased comparisons. There is no out-of-pocket cost to you because we are compensated by the insurance company or companies you select. Our only objective is to help you fully understand your Medicare options and to empower you to make an educated decision that you feel best suits your personal needs.
We represent many companies in NC that offer Medicare insurance and are happy to introduce you to any or all of them.
Safe resources
Most websites about Medicare are for marketing purposes. If you fill in your name and contact info, it's a safe bet that you'll start receiving mail, emails, phone calls, and visits. You may have experienced this already.
If you're looking for honest information on a safe website, there are two that you should know:, which is the federal government's website for Medicare, and, which is the North Carolina Department of Insurance website. They have a section called Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) that you can access through the link below. (The third safe website is ours, of course, but you're already here!)