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CFS is a financial services company that specializes in financial investment strategies with the goal of delivering consistency and stability throughout retirement. We focus on four important pillars of retirement: income stream, investment management, healthcare, and legacy. As a fiduciary, we are solely focused on our clients’ best interests.

Our office is independent and, as such, we are not tied to the proprietary products of an employer. It is our desire to offer objective, unbiased advice without a hidden agenda. We have been serving Winston-Salem and the surrounding communities since 2005.


Our desire is to provide retirement planning solutions that provide our clients with the peace of mind that their financial needs will be met throughout their retirement.  We base all of our decisions on the individual goals, desires, and needs of each client.


Founder & Principal
Kevin Ebbink

Kevin founded CFS in 2005 as a boutique advisory firm, focused solely on serving the needs of those in, or nearing, retirement. While CFS remains, Kevin began offering advisory services as an investment advisor representative of Strategic Blueprint in 2021.  He is passionate about helping his clients live a truly fulfilling life.  The transition from being net-savers to net-spenders can be problematic; he believes it is his job to help his clients attain peace of mind by helping them find a balance between their concerns about longevity and their pursuit of happiness.  

Kevin brings a lifetime of experience that is unique in this industry.  He began his career with a master’s degree in Physical Therapy from the University of California, San Francisco, specializing in geriatric care and rehab.  He used that experience to begin a career specializing in Medicare, long-term care planning, and annuities in 1999.  With a desire to provide independent advice, he co-founded Horizon Financial Services in 2002.  In 2005, his interest in providing a boutique-style planning service for retirees led him to then found Compass Financial Services.  Merging all of his experience with investment advisory services has allowed him to provide a holistic service, focused on the needs of retirees, ever since.

Kristina Ebbink
Marketing & Administration

Kristina has been helping Kevin part-time since CFS moved into the Peak Building in 2019. She assists with scheduling, manages the client database, coordinates Medicare workshops, and helps with marketing.

Kevin and Kristina have a grown daughter, Annalisa, and a cute but mischievous puppy named Lily.  They have called Winston-Salem home since 1995.

(336) 768-5111

As an Investment Advisor Representative, Kevin Ebbink offers advisory services through Strategic Blueprint LLC, which is otherwise unaffiliated with Compass Financial Services, Inc. Compass Financial Services, Inc. is a North Carolina Licensed Insurance Agency.

Investments in securities involve risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. We do not provide customer service or enable financial transactions through this site. Should any client have questions or concerns that are specific to his or her account, please contact our office directly. Do not post personal, account, or transaction information anywhere on this site. Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Strategic Blueprint, LLC, its officers, directors, employees, associated persons, or affiliates.

All written content on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any tax or legal advice or provide the basis for any financial decisions. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Compass Financial Services, Inc. and our editorial staff. The information contained in this material has been derived from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy and completeness and does not purport to be a complete analysis of the materials discussed. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your individual advisor prior to implementation.

The presence of this website shall in no way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation to sell or offer to sell advisory services to any residents of any state other than the State of North Carolina or where otherwise legally permitted.

Images and photographs are included for the sole purpose of visually enhancing the website. None of them are photographs of current or former clients. They should not be construed as an endorsement or testimonial from any of the persons in the photograph.

Medicare clients: We do not offer every plan in your area. Currently, we represent (see below*) organizations which offer (see below*) products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.

*organizations/products by county:

Alamance 7/70; Ashe 6/50; Bladin 6/56; Brunswick 6/42; Cabarrus 6/59; Catawba 6/65; Chatham 6/67; Craven 6/34; Davidson 7/69; Davie 7/67; Durham 6/67; Forsyth 7/71; Guilford 7/72; Halifax 6/52; Iredell 6/61; Johnston 6/57; Lenoir 6/39; Mecklenburg 6/67; Onslow 6/30; Orange 6/55; Pender 4/43; Randolph 7/70; Rockingham 7/60; Rowan 6/66; Rutherford 6/51; Stokes 7/65; Surry 6/54; Wake 6/68; Wayne 6/43; Wilkes 6/57; Yadkin 7/62.  (Note: this list represents the counties we currently serve as of 29Sept2023.)

© 2023 by Compass Financial Services, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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